Fall 2016
Lower-division undergraduate courses
These courses have no prerequisites.
Number | Title | Instructor | Days/time | Room |
2 | Individual Morality & Social Justice | Sluga | MWF 9-10 | 50 Birge |
3 | Nature of Mind | Noë | MWF 12-1 | 100 GPB |
6 | Man, God, & Society in Western Literature | Dreyfus | TuTh 2-3:30 | 141 McCone |
12A | Introduction to Logic | Yalcin | MWF 1-2 | 50 Birge |
18 | Confucius for Today | Shun | MWF 3-4 | 106 Moffitt |
25A | Ancient Philosophy | Clarke | MWF 11-12 | 145 Dwinelle |
98BC-1 | Berkeley Connect | Sethi | M 5-6 | 80 Barrows |
98BC-2 | Berkeley Connect | Sethi | M 6-7 | 80 Barrows |
Upper-division undergraduate courses
Students enrolling in these courses should have completed at least 8 units in philosophy. Some courses may have additional prerequisites: check the course descriptions for details.
Number | Title | Instructor | Days/time | Room |
100 | Philosophical Methods | Warren | W 2-4 | 3 Le Conte |
104 | Ethical Theories | Kolodny | TuTh 11-12:30 | 101 Barker |
115 | Political Philosophy | Munoz-Dardé | MWF 9-10 | 182 Dwinelle |
125 | Metaphysics | Lee | MWF 2-3 | 150 D Moffitt |
135 | Theory of Meaning | Perry | TuTh 2-3:30 | 3111 Etcheverry |
138 | Philosophy of Society | Searle | TuTh 9:30-11 | 170 Barrows |
140B | Intermediate Logic | Mancosu | TuTh 11-12:30 | 140 Barrows |
155 | Medieval Philosophy | Crockett | TuTh 12:30-2 | 140 Barrows |
160 | Plato | Long | TuTh 12:30-2 | 240 Mulford |
176 | Hume | Martin | MWF 1-2 | 140 Barrows |
178 | Kant | Warren | TuTh 2-3:30 | 150 D Moffitt |
190-1 | Proseminar: Feminism and Philosophy | Crockett | TuTh 9:30-11 | 234 Moses |
198BC-1 | Berkeley Connect | Khatchirian | Tu 5-6 | 235 Dwinelle |
198BC-2 | Berkeley Connect | Khatchirian | Tu 6-7 | 235 Dwinelle |
198BC-3 | Berkeley Connect | Carey | W 5-6 | 80 Barrows |
198BC-4 | Berkeley Connect | Carey | W 6-7 | 80 Barrows |
Graduate seminars
Graduate seminars are intended primarily for graduate students in Philosophy and in Logic and the Methodology of Science. Others who wish to enroll should seek the instructor's permission.
Number | Title | Instructor | Days/time | Room |
200 | First-Year Graduate Seminar | Buchak/Lee | W 10-12 | 234 Moses |
290-2 | Graduate Seminar: Aristotle’s Metaphysics Gamma | Clarke | M 2-4 | 234 Moses |
290-3 | Graduate Seminar: Intuitionistic Logic and Meaning | Holliday | F 1:30-3:30 | 234 Moses |
290-5 | Graduate Seminar Objective and Subjective in Experience | Martin | W 4-6 | 234 Moses |
290-6 | Graduate Seminar: Hegel, the Philosophy of Right | Sluga | W 2-4 | 234 Moses |
290-7 | Graduate Seminar: Workshop in Law, Philosophy, and Political Theory | Munoz-Dardé/Cohen | F 12-3 | 141 Boalt Hall |
290-8 | Graduate Seminar: Nonfactual Thought and Discourse | Yalcin | Tu 4-6 | 234 Moses |
290-9 | Graduate Seminar: Descartes, Hobbes, and Spinoza | Primus | Tu 6-8 | 234 Moses |
295 | Dissertation Seminar | Warren | TBA | TBA |
375 | Teaching Seminar | Buchak | TBA | TBA |