photo of Michael Martin

Michael Martin

Mills Adjunct Professor of Philosophy
Fall Only

Office: 144 Philosophy Hall
Office hours: Mon 1:30-3:30 (in person)
Phone: (510) 296-5917

Courses for Fall 2024: Perception and Graduate Seminar: Relational v Representational

(D.Phil., University of Oxford). His main interests lie in the philosophy of mind and psychology. He is forever finishing a book on naïve realism in the theory of perception, titled Uncovering Appearances. Currently he is working on the puzzle of conflicting appearances; the contrast between sense perception, memory and imagination; the problem of other minds; and the objectivity of sense experience.

Selected Publications ‘Elusive Objects’, Topoi, 2017 ‘Old Acquaintance: Russell, Memory and Problems with Acquaintance’, Analytic Philosophy, 2015 ‘Moore’s Dilemma’ in Paul Coates and Sam Coleman, edd., Phenomenal Qualities, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2015) ‘What’s in a Look?’ in Bence Nanay, ed., Perceiving the World, (New York: Oxford 2010) ‘In the Eye of Another’, Philosophical Studies, 2013 ‘Sounds & Images’, British Journal of Aesthetics, 2012 ‘On Getting on Top of Oneself’, in Acta Analytica, 2010 ‘In Praise of Self: Hume’s Love of Fame’, in European Journal of Analytic Philosophy, 2, Nov 2006 ‘On Being Alienated’ in Tamar Szabo Gendler and John Hawthorne, edd., Perceptual Experience (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005) ‘The Limits of Self-Awareness’, in Philosophical Studies, July 2004 (reprinted in Disjunctivism edited by Alex Byrne & Heather Logue, published by MIT Press 2008) ‘The Transparency of Experience’, in Mind & Language, September 2002

Mike is in residence in Berkeley each year during the Fall semester. He is also Wilde Professor of Mental Philosophy at the University of Oxford.