Véronique Munoz-Dardé
Mills Adjunct Professor of Philosophy
Fall Only
Office: 146 Philosophy Hall
Office hours: M 2 - 3:30 pm
E-mail: munoz_darde@berkeley.edu
Web: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/philosophy/academic-research/staff-vmd.htm
(Ph.D., European University Institute). Her main interests lie in moral and political philosophy. In recent years she has written articles on the importance of numbers in practical reasoning, on the political ideal of equality, on responsibility, and on distributive justice. During this period she has taught seminars on contractualism, equality, Hume’s Treatise, and values and practical reasoning. She is the author of La justice sociale (2001), and is currently finishing a book on the way that the political is personal, provisionally called Bound Together. She will be in residence in Berkeley each year in the Fall semester, starting with the Fall of 2009. She is also Professor in the Philosophy Department at University College, London.