Papers also on, PhilPapers, ResearchGate, eScholarship, and Google Scholar.
For a complete list of publications and bibliographic details, please see my CV.
Social Choice and Voting
“An Axiomatic Characterization of Split Cycle” with Yifeng Ding and Eric Pacuit, forthcoming in Social Choice and Welfare. Publisher’s version.
“An extension of May’s Theorem to three alternatives: axiomatizing Minimax voting” with Eric Pacuit, forthcoming in Social Choice and Welfare.
“A simple Condorcet voting method for Final Four elections,” forthcoming in Representation.
“pref_voting: The Preferential Voting Tools package for Python” with Eric Pacuit, in Journal of Open Source Software, 2025.
“Escaping Arrow’s Theorem: The Advantage-Standard Model” with Mikayla Kelley, in Theory and Decision, 2025. Publisher’s version.
“Stable Voting” with Eric Pacuit, Constitutional Political Economy, 2023. Publisher’s version. Website at
“Split Cycle: A New Condorcet Consistent Voting Method Independent of Clones and Immune to Spoilers” with Eric Pacuit, Public Choice, 2023. Publisher’s version
“Axioms for Defeat in Democratic Elections” with Eric Pacuit, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 2021. Publisher’s version.
“Impossibility theorems involving weakenings of expansion consistency and resoluteness in voting” with Chase Norman, Eric Pacuit, and Saam Zahedian, in Mathematical Analyses of Decisions, Voting, and Games, eds. M. A. Jones, D. McCune, and J. Wilson, Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 2024.
“Voting Theory in the Lean Theorem Prover” with Chase Norman and Eric Pacuit, in Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI-VIII), 2021.
“Measuring Violations of Positive Involvement in Voting,” with Eric Pacuit, in Proceedings of TARK 2021.
“A note on Murakami’s theorems and incomplete social choice without the Pareto principle,” with Mikayla Kelley, Social Choice and Welfare, 2020. Publisher’s version.
“Strategic Voting Under Uncertainty About the Voting Method,” with Eric Pacuit, in Proceedings of TARK 2019.
“Arrow’s Decisive Coalitions,’’ with Eric Pacuit, in the special issue of Social Choice and Welfare in Memory of Kenneth J. Arrow, edited by Eric Maskin, Amartya Sen, and Kotaro Suzumura, 2020. Publisher’s version.
Artificial Intelligence
“Social Choice Should Guide AI Alignment in Dealing with Diverse Human Feedback” with Vincent Conitzer, Rachel Freedman, Jobst Heitzig, Bob M. Jacobs, Nathan Lambert, Milan Mossé, Eric Pacuit, Stuart Russell, Hailey Schoelkopf, Emanuel Tewolde, and William S. Zwicker, in International Conference on Machine Learning.
“Learning to Manipulate under Limited Information” with Alexander Kristoffersen and Eric Pacuit, forthcoming in Proceedings of the 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2025).
“Conditional and Modal Reasoning in Large Language Models” with Matthew Mandelkern and Cedegao Zhang, in Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) 2024. Publisher’s version.
Possibility Semantics for Modal Logic
“The Orthologic of Epistemic Modals,” with Matthew Mandelkern, in Journal of Philosophical Logic, 2024. Publisher’s version.
“Compatibility, compossibility, and epistemic modality,” with Matthew Mandelkern, in Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium, 2022.
“Possibility Frames and Forcing for Modal Logic,” in The Australasian Journal of Logic, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2025. Publisher’s version.
“Possibility Semantics,” in Selected Topics from Contemporary Logics, College Publications, 2021.
“Another Problem in Possible World Semantics,” with Yifeng Ding, in Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 13, 2020.
“A Bimodal Perspective on Possibility Semantics,” with Johan van Benthem and Nick Bezhanishvili, in Journal of Logic and Computation, 2017. Publisher’s version.
“Partiality and Adjointness in Modal Logic,” in Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 10, 2014.
Modal and Non-classical Logic
“Modal logic, fundamentally,” in Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 15, 2024.
“Preconditionals,” forthcoming in The Logica Yearbook 2023.
“A fundamental non-classical logic,” Logics, 2023. Publisher’s version
“Compatibility and accessibility: lattice representations for semantics of non-classical and modal logics,” in Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 14, 2022.
“A Semantic Hierarchy for Intuitionistic Logic,” with Guram Bezhanishvili, in the special issue of Indagationes Mathematicae on “L.E.J. Brouwer, fifty years later,” 2019. Publisher’s version.
“A Note on Algebraic Semantics for S5 with Propositional Quantifiers,” in Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 2019. Publisher’s version.
“One Modal Logic to Rule Them All?” with Tadeusz Litak, in Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 12, 2018. Extended technical report here.
“Complete Additivity and Modal Incompleteness,” with Tadeusz Litak, in The Review of Symbolic Logic, 2019. Publisher’s version
“Locales, Nuclei, and Dragalin Frames,” with Guram Bezhanishvili, Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 11, 2016.
“On the Modal Logic of Subset and Superset: Tense Logic over Medvedev Frames,” Studia Logica, 2017. Publisher’s version.
Duality Theory
“Choice-free Stone Duality,’’ with Nick Bezhanishvili, in The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2020. Publisher’s version.
“Possibility Frames and Forcing for Modal Logic,” in The Australasian Journal of Logic, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2025. Publisher’s version.
“Three roads to complete lattices: orders, compatibility, polarity,” in Algebra Universalis, 2021. Publisher’s version.
Logic and Probability
“Logics of Imprecise Comparative Probability,” with Yifeng Ding and Thomas Icard, in International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2021. Publisher’s version.
“Measure Semantics and Qualitative Semantics for Epistemic Modals,’’ with Thomas Icard, in Proceedings of SALT 23, 2013.
“Preferential Structures for Comparative Probabilistic Reasoning,” with Matthew Harrison-Trainor and Thomas Icard, in Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2017.
“Inferring Probability Comparisons,” with Matthew Harrison-Trainor and Thomas Icard, Mathematical Social Sciences, 2018. Publisher’s version.
“A Note on Cancellation Axioms for Comparative Probability,” with Matthew Harrison-Trainor and Thomas Icard, Theory and Decision, 2015. Publisher’s version.
Logic and Language
“The Orthologic of Epistemic Modals,” with Matthew Mandelkern, in Journal of Philosophical Logic, 2024. Publisher’s version.
“Compatibility, compossibility, and epistemic modality,” with Matthew Mandelkern, forthcoming in Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium.
“Axiomatization in the Meaning Sciences,’’ with Thomas Icard, in The Science of Meaning: Essays on the Metatheory of Natural Language Semantics.
“Indicative Conditionals and Dynamic Epistemic Logic,’’ with Thomas Icard, Proceedings of TARK 2017.
“Measure Semantics and Qualitative Semantics for Epistemic Modals,’’ with Thomas Icard, in Proceedings of SALT 23, 2013.
“Roles, Rigidity, and Quantification in Epistemic Logic,’’ with John Perry, in Outstanding Contributions to Logic, Vol. 5: Johan van Benthem on Logic and Information Dynamics, 2014.
Logics of Sets
“The Logic of Comparative Cardinality” with Yifeng Ding and Matthew Harrison-Trainor, in The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2020.
“On the Modal Logic of Subset and Superset: Tense Logic over Medvedev Frames,” Studia Logica, 2017. Publisher’s version.
“Arrow’s Decisive Coalitions,’’ with Eric Pacuit, in the special issue of Social Choice and Welfare in Memory of Kenneth J. Arrow, edited by Eric Maskin, Amartya Sen, and Kotaro Suzumura.
Epistemic Logic
“Does Amy Know Ben Knows You Know Your Cards? A Computational Model of Higher-Order Epistemic Reasoning?” with Zhang Cedegao and Huang Ham, in Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2021.
“When Do Introspection Axioms Matter for Multi-Agent Epistemic Reasoning?” with Yifeng Ding and Cedegao Zhang, in Proceedings of TARK 2019.
Epistemic Logic and Epistemology
“Fallibilism and Multiple Paths to Knowledge,” Oxford Studies in Epistemology, Vol. 5, 2015. Extended version here.
“Epistemic Logic and Epistemology,” Handbook of Formal Philosophy, Springer, 2018. Publisher’s version.
“Epistemic Closure and Epistemic Logic I: Relevant Alternatives and Subjunctivism,” Journal of Philosophical Logic, 2015. Publisher’s version.
“Epistemic Closure and Epistemic Logic I: Relevant Alternatives and Subjunctivism. A Summary” and “Response to Egré and Xu” in Logic Across the University: Foundations and Applications, 2013.
Knowing What Follows: Epistemic Closure and Epistemic Logic, Stanford University Dissertation, Revised ILLC Version. ILLC Dissertation Series.
“Epistemic Logic, Relevant Alternatives, and the Dynamics of Context,” New Directions in Logic, Language, and Computation, 2012. Publisher’s version.
“A partial-state space model of unawareness,” in Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2024. Publisher’s version.
Quantified Epistemic Logic
“Roles, Rigidity, and Quantification in Epistemic Logic,’’ with John Perry, in Outstanding Contributions to Logic, Vol. 5: Johan van Benthem on Logic and Information Dynamics, 2014. Publisher’s version.
Epistemic Paradoxes
“Knowledge, Time, and Paradox: Introducing Sequential Epistemic Logic,” in Outstanding Contributions to Logic: Jaakko Hintikka on Knowledge and Game Theoretical Semantics, 2018.
“On Being in an Undiscoverable Position,” Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 2016. Publisher’s version.
“Simplifying the Surprise Exam,” UC Berkeley Working paper in Philosophy, 2016.
Dynamic Epistemic Logic
“Indicative Conditionals and Dynamic Epistemic Logic,’’ with Thomas Icard, Proceedings of TARK 2017.
“Information Dynamics and Uniform Substitution,” with Tomohiro Hoshi and Thomas Icard, Synthese, 2013. Publisher’s version. (Supersedes “Schematic Validity in Dynamic Epistemic Logic: Decidability,” Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2011.)
“A Uniform Logic of Information Dynamics,” with Tomohiro Hoshi and Thomas Icard, Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 9, 2012. Publisher’s version.
“Moorean Phenomena in Epistemic Logic,” with Thomas Icard, Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 8, 2010. Publisher’s version.
Inquisitive Logic
“Inquisitive Intuitionistic Logic,” Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 13, 2020.
“Algebraic and topological semantics for inquisitive logic via choice-free duality,” with Nick Bezhanishvili and Gianluca Grilletti, in Proceedings of the 26th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2019). Publisher’s version.
“Freedom and the Fixity of the Past,” Philosophical Review, 2012. Publisher’s version.
“Freedom and Modality,” in Being, Freedom, and Method: Themes from van Inwagen, Oxford University Press.
Updated on 2025-02-23 19:47:30 -0800 by Wesley H. Holliday