Graduate Funding

Entering graduate students to the Department of Philosophy have recently been offered up to six years of support. Typical packages include fellowship support for at least one year at the beginning of the program, and for an additional year at some point after advancement to candidacy (the Doctoral Completion Fellowship). Other fellowships are available on a competitive basis from the university or outside funding sources. Students not on fellowships are supported as Graduate Student Instructors. Some students also receive support in the form of readerships and research assistantships.

The application for graduate study contains information about expenses and about the many forms of financial support provided by the university, as well as the forms that need to be completed to apply for fellowship assistance. Further detailed information about the forms of support available and the application procedures is available on the Graduate Division's Graduate Admissions website.

Applicants are also encouraged to apply for any support from outside this university for which they might be eligible.


The Philosophy Department draws upon University funding and upon its own endowed funds in order to provide fellowship support for new and continuing students.

Once students have passed the qualifying examination and advanced to candidacy, they are eligible for another year of support in the form of a Doctoral Completion Fellowship. (An application is required, but approval is pro forma provided basic conditions are met.)

The Carol Lee Price Fellowship in Philosophy supports non-resident supplemental tuition (NRST) for PhD students who are neither US nor Canadian citizens. The fellowship is awarded to at most one newly admitted PhD candidate in the Department of Philosophy per year.

Graduate Division maintains a long list of fellowships for which our graduate students can apply.

Graduate Student Instructorships

The Department can offer most graduate students positions as Graduate Student Instructors each semester and some positions are available during the summer sessions. GSI positions are however restricted to those who have completed at least one year of graduate study. The appointment involves assisting in undergraduate courses, conducting sections, grading papers, etc. Teaching for two semesters is required for the Ph.D. The salary covers the full costs of California resident tuition and normal living expenses for the year.

Research Assistantships

Individual faculty members may apply to the university for graduate research assistantships in the areas of their own work. There are usually several of these positions in the Department at any one time.


The Department employs graduate students as readers and graders in some undergraduate courses, paid at an hourly rate. This can provide a supplement to a student's financial resources; actual earnings depend on the size of the class and the amount of work assigned.

Non-Resident Tuition Fee Waivers

The Department is often able to offset the higher tuition charged for students who cannot qualify as California residents. Students are however expected to establish residency during their first year of graduate study.