Fall 2021
Lower-division undergraduate courses
These courses have no prerequisites.
Number | Title | Instructor | Days/time | Room |
R1B | Reading and Composition Through Philosophy | Gooding | MWF 1-2 | Barker 110 |
R1B | Reading and Composition Through Philosophy | Crockett | TuTh 3:30-5:00 | Anthro/Art 115 |
2 | Individual Morality and Social Justice | Sluga | MWF 9-10 | via Zoom |
3 | The Nature of Mind | Campbell | MWF 1-2 | via Zoom |
12A | Introduction to Logic | Warren | MWF 2-3 | Physics 4 |
25A | Ancient Philosophy | Clarke | MWF 10-11 | via Zoom |
98BC-1 | Berkeley Connect | Khokhar | M 5-6 | Dwinelle 263 |
98BC-2 | Berkeley Connect | Khokhar | M 6-7 | Wheeler 124 |
Upper-division undergraduate courses
Students enrolling in these courses should have completed at least 8 units in philosophy. Some courses may have additional prerequisites: check the course descriptions for details.
Number | Title | Instructor | Days/time | Room |
100 | Philosophical Methods | Dasgupta | W 2-4 | Social Sci 20 |
104 | Ethical Theories | Wallace | MWF 11-12 | Dwinelle 219 |
115 | Political Philosophy | Munoz-Dardé | TuTh 12:30-2 | Social Sci 166 |
119 | Feminism & Philosophy | Bailey | MW 6:30-8 | Social Sci 20 |
125 | Metaphysics | Yalcin | TuTh 11-12:30 | Social Sci 56 |
132 | Philosophy of Mind | Noë | TuTh 2-3:30 | Social Sci 60 |
135 | Theory of Meaning | MacFarlane | TuTh 11-12:30 | Wheeler 222 |
136 | Philosophy of Perception | Martin | TuTh 12:30-2 | Social Sci 56 |
172 | Spinoza | Primus | TuTh 9:30-11 | Social Sci 166 |
178 | Kant | Warren | TuTh 2-3:30 | Social Sci 166 |
186 | Merleau-Ponty | Noë | TuTh 9:30-11 | Giannini 141 |
190-1 | Proseminar: Hannah Arendt: The Human Condition | Kaiser | Tu 4-7 | Moses 305 |
190-2 | Proseminar: Philosophical Perspectives on Race, Racism and Racial Justice | Crockett | TuTh 11-12:30 | Moses 305 |
190-3 | Proseminar: Ethics and the Environment | Crockett | MW 5-6:30 | Moses 234 |
198BC-3 | Berkeley Connect | Dale | W 5-6 | Evans 41 |
198BC-4 | Berkeley Connect | Dale | W 6-7 | Wheeler 124 |
198BC-1 | Berkeley Connect | Paris | Tu 5-6 | Dwinelle 134 |
198BC-2 | Berkeley Connect | Paris | Tu 6-7 | Wheeler 24 |
Graduate seminars
Graduate seminars are intended primarily for graduate students in Philosophy and in Logic and the Methodology of Science. Others who wish to enroll should seek the instructor's permission.
Number | Title | Instructor | Days/time | Room |
200 | First Year Graduate Seminar | Ginsborg/Lee | M 2-4 | Moses 302 |
290-1 | Graduate Seminar: The Metaphysics of Perceptual Experience | Lee | M 10-12 | Moses 234 |
290-2 | Graduate Seminar: Hegel’s Science of Logic | Novakovic | Tu 12-2 | Moses 234 |
290-3 | Graduate Seminar: Early Modern Minds | Primus | Tu 2-4 | Moses 305 |
290-4 | Graduate Seminar: Subject, Index, Content: Revisiting Russellian Psychology | Martin | W 4-6 | Moses 305 |
290-5 | Graduate Seminar: Topics in Population Ethics | Frick | W 2-4 | Moses 305 |
290-6 | Graduate Seminar: The Common Ground | MacFarlane/Yalcin | Th 2-4 | Moses 305 |
290-7 | Graduate Seminar: Workshop in Law, Philosophy & Political Theory | Munoz-Dardé/Cohen | F 12-3 | UCB Law 141 |
295 | Dissertation Seminar | Primus | Th 6-8 | Moses 305 |
375 | Teaching Seminar | Novakovic | Tu 4-6 | Moses 302 |