B.A. in Philosophy, Stanford University
M.A. in Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley
Tamar works in the areas of epistemology and mathematical and philosophical logic. Her research interests include: reasons for belief, justification, epistemic luck, modal logic, topological and probabilistic semantics for modal logic, and dynamic topological logic.
##Curriculum Vitae
Please click here to see my Curriculum Vitae.
Please click here to see my paper, `Dynamic measure logic.’ (Forthcoming in Annals of Pure and Applied Logic)
Please click here to see my paper, `Completeness of S4 for the Lebesgue measure algebra.’ (Journal of Philosophical Logic, 2010)
Please click here to see my paper, `Conclusive reasons to believe.’
Please click here to see my paper, `Fractal completeness techniques in topological modal logic.’
##Teaching Dossier
You can also view my Teaching Dossier.
##Photography Site
AND… you can view my photography site at www.tamarlando.com.