Philosophy 190

Spring 2020

Number Title Instructor Days/time Room
190 Proseminar: Critical Theory: Ideology and Critique Novakovic MW 12-1:30 Moses 234

In this seminar we will discuss classical and contemporary texts in the tradition of Frankfurt School Critical Theory, primarily programmatic texts that outline the very project of a critical theory of society. Our focus will be the problem of ideology for social criticism and the possibility of what this tradition calls “ideology-critique” (Ideologiekritik). Questions we will address include: What is ideology? What role does it play in social life, especially in the capitalist market? Does it present a special problem for the possibility of social criticism? And what would a critique of ideology look like?

Admission by application only: If you are interested in taking the course, please write the instructor ( and briefly outline your background in philosophy (listing the courses already taken) and explain why you are interested in this seminar. Philosophy majors who are seniors and juniors will be given priority. The deadline for applications is Friday, November 15. Enrollment capacity for the course is 15 students.

Previously taught: FL19, SP19, FL18, SP18, FL17, SP16, FL15, SP15, FL14, SP13.