Greyson Abid
Office hours:
E-mail: greysona@berkeley.edu
Web: https://greysonabid.com/
Dissertation advisors:
John Campbell and Alva Noƫ
(B.A., Philosophy and Cognitive Science, University of Pennsylvania, 2014) Greyson is primarily interested in philosophy of mind, cognitive science, and race. His secondary interests include Arabic philosophy, metaphysics, and philosophy of language. His dissertation is on the recognition of people, places, and things.
Recognition and the Perception-Cognition Divide in Mind & Language, 2021.
Deflating inflation: the connection (or lack thereof) between decisional and metacognitive processes and visual phenomenology in Neuroscience of Consciousness, 2019 (See here for reply piece by J.D. Knotts, Matthias Michel, and Brian Odegaard)