Philosophy 12A
Summer 2011 Session D
Number | Title | Instructor | Days/time | Room |
12A | Introduction to Logic | Bledin | TuWTh 1-3:30 | 174 Barrows |
In this introductory course in symbolic logic, students will acquire a working knowledge of Propositional and Predicate Logic. Students will learn how to translate natural language expressions into formal language, and then explore important semantic notions like logical consequence, consistency and tautology. Students will also learn natural deduction proof systems for both logics, and if time permits, some metatheoretical issues will be covered, such as the soundness and completeness of the propositional calculus.
Previously taught: SU11A (Rieppel), SP11 (Mancosu), FL10 (Roush), SU10D (Rieppel), SU10A (Fitelson), SP10 (Fitelson), FL09 (Mancosu), SU09D (Beattie), SU09A (Rieppel), SP09 (Warren), FL08 (Fitelson), SU08D (Klempner), SU08A (Fitelson), SP08 (Mancosu), FL07 (Fitelson), SU07A (Fitelson), SP07 (Mancosu), FL06 (Fitelson), SU06A (Rao), SP06 (Warren), FL05 (Mancosu), SU05D (Khatchirian), SP05 (Shapiro), FL04 (Fitelson), SU04D (Khatchirian), SU04A (Warren), SP04 (Warren), FL03 (Mancosu).