Adrian Ommundsen
Office: Philosophy Hall 301
Office hours: Wednesdays 1:30-3:30, or by appointment.
E-mail: ommundsen@berkeley.edu
(BA Philosophy, BSc Mathematics, University of Oslo; MA Logic and Philosophy of Science, LMU Munich) My main interests are in philosophy of language, philosophical logic, and formal epistemology. Some of my more specific research interests are conditionals, questions, varieties of dependence, and causal reasoning.
Probabilities of conditionals: updating Adams
with Ivano Ciardelli
Noûs, 2024, Vol. 58 (1), 26–53.
[local file] | [journal] (open access)
Disambiguating will-conditionals
with Ivano Ciardelli
Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium, 2022, 69–76.
[local file] | [journal] (open access)