Klaus Corcilius
Associate Professor
Office: Moses 310
Phone: (510) 296-5897
E-mail: corcilius@berkeley.edu
(Dr. Phil., Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin). His primary interest is ancient philosophy, theoretical and practical, and especially Aristotle. Currently, he is working on Aristotle’s scientific conception of the soul and human and animal agency. Forthcoming publications include:
“Common Sense and Extra Powers. A discussion of Anna Marmodoro’s Aristotle on Perceiving Objects”, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy L (2016), 289-320.
“De Motu Animalium 6,” Proceedings of the XIX. Symposium Aristotelicum, Oxford University Press, ed. Christof Rapp, Oliver Primavesi OUP.
“Faculties: Ancient Debates,” Oxford Philosophical Concepts ‘Faculty’, ed. C. Mercer & D. Perler, Oxford, 2015.