(A.B., summa cum laude, Princeton, 2009). Matt Hoberg’s areas of interest are moral philosophy– including meta-ethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics– and topics in the history of philosophy and the philosophy of religion.
Current topics of interest include:
The metaphysics of harm
The principle of double effect and the problem of closeness
Natural normativity (as in Philippa Foot’s Natural Goodness, Michael Thompson’s Life and Action, and Judith Thomson’s Normativity)
The history of moral philosophy, especially Aristotle and Hume
Questions in applied ethics pertaining to stem cell research and assisted reproductive technologies
In the Fall of 2011, Matt will be a GSI for Professor Daniel Warren’s [PHIL 100- Personal Identity] (http://philosophy.berkeley.edu/courses/detail/538).
He maintains a philosophy blog at [The Consternation of Philosophy] (http://theconsternationofphilosophy.blogspot.com/) and is also the project coordinator for [The Berkeley Graduate] (http://www.theberkeleygraduate.com/).