Dorothea Frede
Mills Adjunct Professor of Philosophy
Office: 132 Moses
Phone: (510) 296-5897
E-mail: dfrede@berkeley.edu
(Dr. phil., Göttingen University). In recent years her main focus has been on ethics and methodology in Plato’s later works and on ethics and politics in Aristotle. Currently she is working on a translation and commentary of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics for the Berlin Academy Series. A serious side-interest of hers lies in phenomenology, especially the phenomenology of Martin Heidegger. She has been in residence at Berkeley since the academic year 2006-2007, and will be teaching one course each semester in 2009-2010 and in 2010-2011. She is also Professor Emeritus at the University of Hamburg and Honorary Professor at the Humboldt University at Berlin.