Event Detail

Sat Jan 31, 2015
Howison Library (305 Moses)
10 AM–12 PM
Pranav Anand, Cleo Condoravdi, John Searle, Friederike Moltmann
Workshop on Speech Acts and Propositions

Workshop sponsored by the France-Berkeley Fund project “The Action-Product Distinction and Its Importance for Speech Act Theory and Social Ontology” (Friederike Moltmann and John Searle).

10:00-11:45 – Pranav Anand (UCSC), “A Factive Split in Reporting Beliefs and Assertions”

11:45-12:00 – Coffee

12:00-1:45 – Cleo Condoravdi (Stanford), “Assertions, Declarations and Explicit Performatives”

1:45-3:00 – Lunch

3:00-4:45 – John Searle (Berkeley), “What is a Proposition?”

4:45-5:00 – Coffee

5:00-6:45 – Friederike Moltmann (CNRS-IHPST/NYU), “Cognitive, Illocutionary, and Modal Products”

Attendance is free, but please register with Maura Vrydaghs maurarv@berkeley.edu.

For abstracts and more information about the project:
