Event Detail
Sat Jan 31, 2015 Howison Library (305 Moses) 10 AM–12 PM |
Conference Pranav Anand, Cleo Condoravdi, John Searle, Friederike Moltmann Workshop on Speech Acts and Propositions |
Workshop sponsored by the France-Berkeley Fund project “The Action-Product Distinction and Its Importance for Speech Act Theory and Social Ontology” (Friederike Moltmann and John Searle).
10:00-11:45 – Pranav Anand (UCSC), “A Factive Split in Reporting Beliefs and Assertions”
11:45-12:00 – Coffee
12:00-1:45 – Cleo Condoravdi (Stanford), “Assertions, Declarations and Explicit Performatives”
1:45-3:00 – Lunch
3:00-4:45 – John Searle (Berkeley), “What is a Proposition?”
4:45-5:00 – Coffee
5:00-6:45 – Friederike Moltmann (CNRS-IHPST/NYU), “Cognitive, Illocutionary, and Modal Products”
Attendance is free, but please register with Maura Vrydaghs maurarv@berkeley.edu.
For abstracts and more information about the project: