Philosophy 107

Spring 2017

Number Title Instructor Days/time Room
107 Moral Psychology Shun TuTh 2-3:30 Barrows 56

The course will examine a range of psychological phenomena related to the ethical and spiritual life of humans, drawing on both contemporary philosophical approaches as well as non-western (primarily Confucian) perspectives on these phenomena. Topics to be covered include: pride, modesty and humility; anger, resentment and forgiveness; compassion, empathy and sympathy; death, grief and acceptance; purity, detachment and tranquility; ethical self-cultivation and ethical self-indulgence. The unifying theme underlying the exploration of these topics is the idea of ‘no self’, that is, the idea that ethical self-transformation involves a move away from different forms of undue focus on the self.

Previously taught: SP15, SU09D, FL07, SP05.