Philosophy 189
Fall 2013
Number | Title | Instructor | Days/time | Room |
189 | Topics in Recent European Philosophy: Later Heidegger | Kaiser | W 2-5 | 30 Wheeler |
As taught this semester, this course satisfies the 160-187 (but not the 160-178) requirement for the major.
The course will focus on the relations between language, art, poetry and technology in Heidegger’s later philosophy. His diagnosis of our “forgetfulness of being” will be explored in the context of his interpretations of Hölderlin and Nietzsche, both of whom grappled with the nihilism latent in modernity (“destitute times”/”The desert grows”). Particular attention will be paid to Heidegger’s focus on the role of works of art and poetry, “Things”, and “reflective thinking” as opening up possible ways out of this condition.
Readings will include such central texts as “The Origin of the Work of Art”, “What are Poets for?” “The Question Concerning Technology”, “The Thing” and “On the Way to Language”. Required texts: the essay collections Martin Heidegger. Poetry, Language, Thought (transl. Hofstadter). Martin Heidegger. The Question Concerning Technology and other Essays (transl. William Lovitt). Additional texts will be made available on bSpace.
The course will be taught as a small seminar aimed at advanced students of philosophy, preferably with some background in Heidegger and/or Nietzsche. Enrollment is limited, and by application only. Students should apply to the instructor directly (at at their earliest convenience; an initial selection will be made at the beginning of June. Applications should include a brief statement outlining the applicant’s philosophical background and interest in the seminar. All applicants will be notified via email as to the result of their application; those admitted will receive course enrollment numbers with which they can enroll in the seminar through TeleBears.
Previously taught: FL12 (Kaiser), SP12 (Sluga), FL11 (Kaiser), SP10 (Dreyfus), FL08 (Dreyfus/Kaiser), SP08 (Dreyfus), SP07 (Sluga), SP04 (Cavell).