Philosophy 189

Fall 2008

Number Title Instructor Days/time Room
189 Topics in Recent European Philosophy Dreyfus/Kaiser W 2-5 116 Haviland

“The Origin of the Work of Art” in the Context of Heidegger’s Later Thinking

In this undergraduate seminar we will focus on Heidegger’s account of works of art as cultural paradigms, and his turn to Hölderlin as an exemplary poet who produces and preserves meaning in “destitute times”. This will also involve examining Heidegger’s complex views on technology and its role in our modern world.

The essay collections Poetry, Language, Thought and Elucidations of Hölderlin’s Poetry by Martin Heidegger have been ordered for the course. A few additional texts will be made available later in a reader or on b-space.

Enrollment is limited to 20 (by application only). Preference will be given to Philosophy majors or those who have already taken a course on Heidegger.

To apply to enroll students should submit a brief statement (less than a page long) to the instructors via email ( and by May 27th, explaining their interest in this seminar and their background in philosophy. Those accepted will be notified and given a course enrollment code via email soon thereafter.

Previously taught: SP08 (Dreyfus), SP07 (Sluga), SP04 (Cavell).