Philosophy 116
Fall 2010
Number | Title | Instructor | Days/time | Room |
116 | Special Topics in Political Philosophy | Munoz-Dardé | TuTh 11-12:30 | 30 Wheeler |
As taught this semester, Phil 116 satisfies the ethics requirement for the philosophy major. This course is devoted to some of central questions in political philosophy: authority, neutrality, rights, equality, pluralism, and well-being. It is focused particularly on Joseph Raz’s The Morality of Freedom.
The course is intended for juniors and seniors with substantial background in philosophy. Philosophy 115 or the equivalent is a prerequisite, and the course will presuppose familiarity with Rawls’s /A Theory of Justice.
Previously taught: SP10 (Kolodny), FL07 (Munoz-Dardé), SP04 (Scheffler).