Philosophy R1B
Spring 2023
Number | Title | Instructor | Days/time | Room |
R1B | Reading and Composition Through Philosophy | Crockett | TuTh 3:30-5:00 | Dwinelle 89 |
This is a seminar in reading and writing philosophy. Students will practice analyzing, critically assessing, and writing about philosophical texts. The class will also involve student presentations and review of others students’ written work. Readings will include texts in ethics and aesthetics. This course fulfills the university’s second-semester reading and composition (R&C) requirement.
Previously taught: FL22 (Gooding), SP22 (Crockett), FL21 (Gooding), FL21 (Crockett), SP21 (Klempner), FL20 (Klempner), SP20 (Winning), FL19 (Winning), SP19 (Khatchirian), FL18 (Khatchirian), SP16 (Khatchirian), SP13 (Barnes), SP13 (Barnes), SP13 (Barnes), FL12 (Barnes), FL12 (Barnes), SP12 (Engen), SP12 (Engen), SP12 (Engen), FL11 (Engen), FL11 (Engen).