Alumni network

Sophia Dandelet

photo of Sophia Dandelet
Sophia Dandelet
BA 2013 PhD 2021
Bersoff Faculty Fellow at NYU

Further education I got my B.A. at Cal, and I liked it so much that I stayed to get a Ph.D.

Favorite courses at Berkeley In no particular order: Intro to Early Modern, Heidegger, Hume, Theory of Knowledge, Ethical Theories

Favorite professors In no particular order: Barry Stroud, Hubert Dreyfus, R. Jay Wallace, John MacFarlane, Wesley Holliday

How has your philosophical training influenced your life and career? I am currently working in academic philosophy, right now as a postdoc at NYU. My philosophical training has certainly influenced my non-professional life, too, but in ways that are harder to articulate. My little brother says that it has made arguing with me much more annoying.



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