Philosophy 100
Fall 2009
Number | Title | Instructor | Days/time | Room |
100 | Philosophical Methods | Yalcin | Th 2-4 | 110 Barrows |
This course is restricted to philosophy majors. Its focus is on developing strength in philosophical writing. Students will meet regularly in tutorials with a teaching assistant in order to discuss the reading and improve their written work. This term we will be examining a number of philosophical texts on the nature of reason and rationality, beginning with some recent work on relativism and constructivism.
Note: Enrollment priority may be given to senior philosophy majors.
Previously taught: SP09 (Noƫ), FL08 (Buchak), SP08 (Warren), FL07 (Anagnostopoulos), SP07 (Warren), FL06 (Stroud), SP06 (Hoffman), FL05 (Gorton), SP05 (Gorton), FL04 (Gorton), SP04 (Warren), FL03 (Broughton).