Philosophy 170

Fall 2018

Number Title Instructor Days/time Room
170 Descartes Primus TuTh 11-12:30 Barrows 56

In this course, we will carefully work through Descartes’s Meditations, reading excerpts from the Objections and Replies and other works by Descartes (and some of his predecessors and contemporaries) along the way. Our aim will be to understand and assess Descartes’s views on such central topics as skepticism, certainty, truth, essences, substance, God, eternity, intellect, will, perception, and the special union of mind and body that is a human being.

Required texts: The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, Vols. 1-2. Translated by Cottingham. Stoothoff, and Murdoch. Published by Cambridge University Press. Other texts will be made available on bcourses.