R. Jay Wallace
William and Trudy Ausfahl Chair in Philosophy
Office: 134 Philosophy Hall
Office hours: Wednesdays 3:15-4:15 p.m. (Phil. 2); Thursdays 3:00-4:00 p.m. (Phil. 109); other times by appointment
Phone: (510) 394-3309
E-mail: rjw@berkeley.edu
Web: https://www.rjaywallace.net
Courses for Spring 2025: Freedom & Responsibility and Individual Morality and Social Justice
(B. Phil., University of Oxford; Ph.D., Princeton University). His interests lie mainly in moral philosophy and the history of ethics. Recently he has written on promising, constructivism, resentment, hypocrisy, love, regret and affirmation, and obligation. His publications include Responsibility and the Moral Sentiments (Harvard), The View from Here (Oxford), and The Moral Nexus (Princeton). During the past few years he has taught undergraduate courses on ethics, moral psychology, and free will and graduate seminars on population ethics, reactive attitudes, the evolution of moral capacities, the moral standing of animals, and rational agency.